South Africa’s most experienced energy trader

POWERX is South Africa's first privately licensed electricity trader. As pioneers in the private electricity industry, we aim to promote the growth of the green economy by contracting the generation of energy from renewable sources and trading this energy to consumers seeking its benefits.


Why Choose POWERX…?
POWERX is the first ever, most experienced and most skilled licensed energy trader in South Africa and leads the field in this private power trading space!
As an aggregator POWERX eliminates the risks inherent in bi-lateral power purchase agreements, providing for a more fluid, flexible and quick-to-market power trading environment.
Power producers enjoy the comfort of knowing that there is massive offtake capacity behind their PPA with POWERX, while consumers can rest assured that their supply of green power is not solely dependent on a single power producer. This risk mitigation offering of POWERX further serves to underpin the requisite security in project financing.
The consumer journey to meeting sustainability targets can now be forecast with a greater degree of certainty and generation curtailment, together with single offtake default risk, become something of the past for power producers contracting with POWERX!


Meet green targets

Our commercial and industrial consumers derive value from receiving green power at competitive rates. This enables them to save costs and meet sustainability objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with their business operation.

  • No interference with existing point of supply
  • No costs in switching to our platform
  • No capital outlay
  • No need for the installation of generation equipment
  • Seamless integration with municipal supply

Power Producers

A perfect platform to sell your power

We purchase electricity from a range of power producers – spanning all renewable energy generation technologies – and sell to a broad base of consumers in the industrial and commercial sectors.

Power procured derives from independent power producers (IPPs) across the country and we tailor the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) to suit each project.

These PPAs are anchored by the agreements we sign with municipalities which allow us to use their distribution system to wheel power over their network.


Powering our municipalities to a greener future

Our platform assists municipalities in their drive to a greener environment and power independence.

We are eager to help develop the relevant municipalities’ renewable energy landscape to enable the independent supply of renewable energy to their respective large economic contributors and small to medium businesses alike.

Let us demonstrate the value in collaborating with us.


POWERX has the ability to facilitate long-term, sustainable trade within municipal boundaries by:

  • changing the perception of municipal rigidity by helping create an enabling environment for key economic contributors in pursuit of their respective SBTs

  • providing offtake for power producers thereby attracting projects and investment into the territory

  • providing an alternative source of power for consumers

  • facilitating the trade of independent power through leveraging its well established energy trading platform

  • helping develop and implement the requisite billing framework to integrate with municipal systems

  • assisting municipalities in reducing reliance on a single power supplier thus positively impacting the energy crisis being experienced in SA

  • offering municipalities the revenue derived from the use of their network

  • assisting municipalities in avoiding infrastructural capacity upgrade costs

  • presenting the possibility of savings achievable on a reduction in Notified Maximum Demand

Put POWERX to the test!

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What some of our clients have to say



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